Components of the Electrical CPT system
Components of the Electrical CPT system
Requirements for Gathering and Processing CPT Readings

Electrical CPT System

Empire United offers a comprehensive range of electrical CPT equipment, featuring a diverse selection of cones including both subtraction and compression cones. We provide all the necessary supporting equipment to ensure an appropriate system for your project, available in both digital and analogue configurations.

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Components of the Electrical CPT system

Our products



  • High-precision instruments
  • Various diameters and configurations for versatile applications
  • The perfect cone for every project
Data acquisition hardware & software

Data Acquisition Hardware & Software

  • Both analogue and digital options are available
  • Real-time visualization of test data
  • A complete solution for CPT data collection
Depth registration system

Depth Registration System

  • Delivers accurate depth information
  • Generates profiles based on depth measurements
  • Multiple switch options to suit your needs
CPT data reporting software

CPT Data Reporting Software

  • Allows for flexible data editing while retaining raw files
  • Calculates a range of soil parameters
  • Export data as GEF files or PDF reports
Cone saturation system

Cone Saturation System

  • Efficiently saturates cone filter rings
  • Ensures reliable pore-water pressure measurements
  • Complies with ISO standard Class 1 requirements

Digital CPT system setup