Products for research into soil properties


Intensive utilization of soil profoundly impacts numerous soil properties that hold immense significance for all life forms on our planet. Our soils serve as the foundation for cultivating crops that sustain both humans and animals. Furthermore, they serve as a crucial reservoir for water and form the bedrock upon which our infrastructure is constructed. A profound understanding of soil and the intricate processes transpiring within it is imperative for making informed decisions concerning land utilization and potential soil enhancement.

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Complete product range for soil sampling and analysis

The pursuit of sustainable soil management necessitates thorough research and a comprehensive comprehension of soil dynamics. This involves the collection of measurement data through methods such as sample analysis, direct field measurements, or continuous on-site monitoring. Such practices facilitate informed decisions regarding soil utilization and also aid in assessing the severity of soil contamination or potential adverse impacts stemming from groundwater extraction.

Research soil properties

The scope of investigating soil quality varies depending on the intended use of the surveyed area. Different qualities of soil need to be examined for a construction site compared to agricultural land, and the research methods also differ accordingly.

Field measurements provide direct insights into aspects such as penetration resistance and load-bearing capacity of the soil. These measurements are particularly valuable for both agricultural plots and construction sites. Moreover, field research can encompass exploring erosion susceptibility, performing rapid estimations of grain size distribution, or collecting (undisturbed) samples for further laboratory analysis. Leveraging advanced equipment, more comprehensive investigations can be conducted in the laboratory. This includes exploring factors like soil moisture content in relation to suction pressure, permeability, pore content, or carbonate content.

Soil life

Beyond examining geotechnical and physical parameters of soil, exploring its biological and chemical characteristics is equally vital, especially for agricultural purposes. In our latest service expansion, we provide analyses to assess soil biodiversity and offer products geared toward enhancing this biodiversity.

Soil research with Empire United Ltd.

Soil stands as the cornerstone of Empire United Ltd's extensive expertise, and our offerings encompass a comprehensive assortment of products for soil sampling, analysis of diverse soil attributes, measurement of soil behavior, and in-depth investigation of its composition. Regardless of scale, be it from the largest sonic drill to the most compact field measuring device, our years of experience underscore our commitment to the sustainable utilization of soil resources.

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