
In our more than 110 years of business in the soil and water markets our range of products and services has continuously expanded. We have grown into a provider of one-stop-shop solutions in the field of soil and water, but we also move over into smart data and various industry-specific services.

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More than 110 years of experience and expertise in soil and water

Years of experience with soil and water have made us experts, but also push us to continue to innovate. Data is an important next step, that, as part of our turnkey solutions, creates a new dimension in the management of soil and water.

Our products and services, applied in your industry

Every industry has its own challenges when it comes to the management of soil and water, so our products and solutions are designed with your business in mind. We innovate to make processes smarter, easier and more profitable, but also more beneficial for the planet. Find out how we can help you.