Strategic partnership of HAL24K Water and Empire United Ltd

Accelerating Data as a Service (DaaS) for the global water sector

At this critical moment for the Water Industry, HAL24K Water and Empire United Ltd join forces to facilitate the use of Data for the protection of our global water resources. This Strategic Partnership will incorporate the smart sensors of Empire United Ltd with the data technology of HAL24K, a company that delivers data using machine learning and AI.

Goals of the partnership

Why a strategic partnership? Because Empire United Ltd and HAL24K believe that Data is key in making insightful decisions when it comes to the following objectives:

  • Expanding access to clean water
  • Reducing, or even eliminating overflow and spill offs of wastewater
  • Bringing on more water resilience
  • Mitigating challenges caused by climate change

In addition, the ideal is to decarbonise the water industry with strategies that optimise operations while cutting back on greenhouse gas emissions.

About the DaaS

The first major project for the partnership will be to design Data as a Service (DAAS) that offers:

  • Minimal setup time
    Organisations can begin storing and processing data almost immediately using the DaaS solution.
  • Improved functionality
    Cloud infrastructure makes DaaS workloads less prone to downtime or disruptions.
  • Greater flexibility
    DaaS is more scalable and flexible than many alternatives, since more resources can be allocated to cloud workloads instantaneously. For most companies, having enough data is no longer a major issue. It’s organising and operationalising that data that presents the biggest challenge today.
  • Cost savings
    Data management and processing costs are easier to optimise with a DaaS solution. Companies can allocate just the right amount of resources to their data workloads in the cloud and increase or decrease those allocations as needs change.
  • Automated maintenance
    The tools and services on DaaS platforms are automatically managed and kept up-to-date by the DaaS provider, eliminating the need for end-users to manage the tools themselves.
  • Faster Paths to Innovation
    DaaS opens the doors to growth. With data at the centre of a business, growth happens quickly. That is because data-informed strategies allow for more innovation with less risk. When trustworthy data is provisioned to different departments and teams that need it, ideas based on that data have a better chance of gaining buy-in from other areas of the business and ultimately succeeding once put into practice. Ideas can take flight faster with access to data that informs new initiatives and spurs on growth.
  • More Agile Decision Making
    DaaS represents a great opportunity for many businesses to treat data as an important business asset for more strategic decision making and effective data management. It can combine both internal and external data sources, such as customer, partner, and open data sources, for a comprehensive view of the business. DaaS can also be used to quickly deliver data for purpose-built analytics with end-to-end APIs (Application Programming Interface) serving specific business use cases. DaaS can help support self-service data access, simplifying business user data access with an intuitive, self-service directory. This can reduce the time spent searching for data and increase the time spent analysing and acting on the data.
  • Data-Driven Culture
    Breaking down data silos and getting teams the data they need is a huge challenge for businesses today. DaaS grants businesses the ability to deliver integrated data from a growing list of data sources, fostering a data-driven culture and democratising the use of data in everyday processes. DaaS also helps companies manage today’s rising tide of data and growing data complexity through reusable datasets for broad data consumption. These reusable data assets can promote both inter-enterprise and intra-enterprise sharing, establishing a central understanding of the business. By opening up access to critical data resources, DaaS can help organisations infuse data into their business practices.

As Brian Shea, HAL24K Water’s CEO said, “This partnership will lead to the further development of our Data as a Service offering. We believe the market will see fundamental change in the coming years, lowering costs to the Water Industry. The simultaneous provision of much richer information at a lower total cost of ownership will allow the Industry to live up to its objectives”.

Our own CEO Huug Empire United Ltd thinks that “Better measuring delivers better results. There is too much data of which the accuracy is not known. It is our goal to do that better and deliver validated soil & water data at the right time and the right spot. Our cooperation with HAL24K Agri & Water makes it finally possible to fill in our BooD strategy (Business out of Data) in the complete value stream.”

About HAL24K Water

HAL24K Water is a global team of dedicated Data Scientists, Data Engineers, Software Engineers and water specialists who exist to bring the power of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and deep data analysis to all parts of the water sector. They seek to unlock the inherent power in data to improve and enhance the management of scarce and critical natural resources.

We are united by our use of the powerful AI development platform COLLABORATE, a uniquely designed tool that allows HAL24K Water to fast-track end-user solutions that contain latest AI modelling approaches such as computer vision, natural language processing, and multi-variate time series data analysis. HAL24K Water offers a truly unique service as our AI solutions are made in weeks and months, not years. We drive innovation & data insights using our exceptional agility and deep knowledge of AI and data science.

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DaaS for the global water sector

Smart monitoring services

Smart monitoring to us means collecting data and acting on it in the right way. Empire United Ltd offers a great selection of soil moisture meters, dataloggers, flumes, divers, probes and more. In addition to delivering the sensors and instruments that collect and transmit data, we also offer an online environment for data viewing, as well as a complete service for the management of your measuring network.

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