Using the Empire United Lysimeter
Using the Empire United Lysimeter

Field measuring equipment

Accurate measurement data plays a pivotal role in conducting fieldwork for soil investigations. Empire United offers an extensive selection of top-notch, dependable measuring equipment crafted for field usage. Our offerings are tailored to cater to environmental, agricultural, civil engineering, and rural construction projects, thereby serving as indispensable tools for on-site research endeavors.

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Using the Empire United Lysimeter

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Using the Empire United hand penetrometer

Resistance to penetration

The carrying capacity of soil and the ease of plant root growth are determined by its resistance to penetration. This parameter varies based on factors like moisture content, density, and the cohesion between mineral particles. To measure soil penetration resistance and carrying capacity, our diverse instruments prove invaluable.

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Shear stress

Shear strength, or the resistance to shear stress, of soil is influenced by various soil characteristics. Our range of instruments enables you to measure and assess shear stress across different layers, whether on the soil surface in the field, within a profile well or borehole, or within a soil sample.

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Filled Double Ring Infiltrometer


Water infiltration measurement into the soil serves as a crucial indicator for irrigation and drainage efficiency. This measurement optimizes water availability for plants, enhances crop yields, and mitigates erosion. For assessing infiltration rate and hydraulic conductivity, our offerings encompass infiltrometers, permeameters, and precipitation simulators.

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Soil moisture

Soil moisture holds significance due to its role as a solvent and nutrient carrier for plant growth. It also regulates temperature and aids in photosynthesis. As a principal component for plants and microorganisms, its importance cannot be overstated. We offer a spectrum of instruments for soil gas analysis and oxygen diffusion measurement, providing insights into these processes.

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Drilling with the riverside auger

Particle size and soil classification

Particle size distribution and color are pivotal characteristics of soil, significantly influencing agricultural and soil science properties. Assessing soil texture and color is integral for understanding substance availability, substance behavior, and soil quality.

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Soil oxygen

Oxygen concentration within soil directly impacts plant growth. Depleted oxygen levels can negatively affect plant physiological processes. Our instrument range offers insight into these processes through soil gas analysis and oxygen diffusion measurements.

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Using the water level meter

Water level

Water level measurements form the foundation of hydrological soil examinations, encompassing porosity assessment, groundwater direction determination, and more. Our versatile systems cater to measuring and recording water levels in practical settings, employing acoustic and light signal-based sounding apparatus for accurate liquid level determination.

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Water discharge

For comprehensive hydrological assessments, water discharge measurements are indispensable. Our equipment encompasses various types tailored for measuring flow velocity in watercourses, discharge from drainage systems, and water movement in open irrigation channels.

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Water quality

Given the paramount importance of water quality for life forms, we offer a diverse range of reliable, accurate water quality test kits and meters for testing water samples and aqueous extracts. These tools cater to assessing water quality, a critical factor for human, animal, and plant well-being.

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