Using the Thetaprobe
Using the Thetaprobe
Soil moisture as volume

Volume percentage

Measuring the soil moisture content in terms of volume percentage is a direct quantification of the water amount relative to the soil volume. This parameter holds significance for environmental investigations concerning acidification, pollution, as well as being a determinant for optimal plant growth and crop productivity. Our kits are ideally designed for accurate measurement of soil moisture content as a volume percentage.

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Using the Thetaprobe

Our products

Soil moisture set SM150T with HH150

Soil Moisture Set SM150T with HH150

  • Minimal soil disturbance during measurement 
  • Remarkable temperature stability
  • Portable, user-friendly, and efficient
Soil moisture set SM150T with HH2 meter

Soil Moisture Set SM150T with HH2 Meter

  • Negligible soil disturbance during measurement
  • Exceptional temperature stability
  • Portable, user-friendly, and efficient
Thetaprobe - soil moisture measuring standard set

Thetaprobe - Soil Moisture Measuring Standard Set

  • High accuracy level: ± 1%
  • Versatile instrument capable of measuring and storing data
  • Personalized soil data facilitates direct irrigation guidance


  • Measures soil moisture, temperature, conductivity, and dielectric permittivity
  • Comes with the HydraMon app
  • Equipped with an ergonomic handle