Analysis of soil resistance and strength

Importance of Compression and Shear Stress Tests for Soil Analysis

Compression and shear stress tests are crucial in assessing a soil's resistance to deformation under shear or compression forces. Altered soil properties, particularly reduced hydraulic conductivity and hindered aeration, can lead to diminished crop growth, lower productivity, and compromised filtering and buffering capabilities. The evaluation of shear and compression strength provides valuable insights for effective soil utilization.

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Compression test apparatus set

Comprehensive Compression Test Apparatus Set

  • All-inclusive solution for compression measurements
  • User-friendly operation with software-controlled protocols
  • Facilitates accurate analysis
Shear and compression test apparatus

Combined Shear and Compression Test Apparatus

  • Versatile system for simultaneous shear and compression measurements
  • Operate up to 8 instruments at once
  • Software-driven measurement protocols for precision
Surface sheer test apparatus

Surface Shear Test Apparatus

  • Effortless manual operation with digital read-out
  • Developed in collaboration with Christian-Albrechts University, Kiel
  • Relies on accurate measurement principles

Analyzing Soil Deformation

The intensification of land use practices worldwide has brought about a significant issue of soil deformation. Heavy machinery usage on arable lands increases the load and frequency of wheeling, resulting in soil compaction and deeper degradation of hydrological and pneumatic functions. To assess the potential risks associated with irreversible soil deformation, it's imperative to understand the soil's mechanical stability.

A prevalent approach involves determining the pre-compression stress, often done through static loading in oedometer tests. Another viable method is conducting agricultural scientific research that involves repeated cyclic or dynamic loading studies, such as wheel passes or animal trampling.